InnotechRV is a division of WiPath Communications specialising in the online supply of innovative products to the camping, outdoors, 4WD and recreational vehicle communities.
WiPath Communications is an electronics developer and manufacturer with operations in four countries, USA, Australia, New Zealand and China. WiPath has been supplying solutions to the emergency services, utilities, transportation and healthcare industries for almost 25 years.
WiPath provides specialised solutions in wireless messaging, LED displays, paging, mobile data as well as providing contract electronic design and manufacturing services.
We have also spent many years researching complementary products suitable for the markets in which we operate and only select products that are cost effective, simple to use and which do the jobs they are designed to do effectively and efficiently.
Unlike many online vendors we do not exist solely in cyberspace. We have real brick and mortar facilities with manufacturing, warehousing and customer service facilities in Atlanta, GA (USA), Auckland (New Zealand), Sydney and Perth (Australia), and Shenzhen (China).
Our goal is to provide the best products at the best prices with the highest levels of customer service.
Email: info(AT) (Formatted to reduce spam)
Contact phone numbers:
USA: 770 844 6218
Australia: 1-300-947284
New Zealand 09 3021142